They’re putting it all online. Talk about it.

Your students are sharing all sorts online. Nudes, ‘dick pics’ – you name it, they’ve seen it or shared it.

As teachers and educators, you’ve got a role to play in keeping them safe online – and making sure they think before they share.

Here, you can find resources and guidance on how to talk to your secondary-aged students.


What you need to know

Peer to Peer sharing

As a teacher or educator, you’re likely already aware that images are routinely being shared in schools, among peer groups.

‘Leaked’ images are doing the rounds on group chats – on apps like Snapchat, WhatsApp and Instagram. This often leads to the bullying and shaming of victims.

Some teens (mostly boys) are even engaging in ‘collecting’ behaviours – collecting nude images like they would football cards. This behaviour isn’t just wrong. If the images are of someone under 18, it’s illegal.

Online grooming

1 in 10 children aged 10-15 have spoken to a stranger online. This opens the door to grooming and abuse. Groomers get to know them, befriend them, and then pressure, manipulate and deceive in order to get them to share sexually explicit images.

Young people with SEND are especially vulnerable to this kind of online abuse. Watch Maya’s story to learn more – and use our lesson plan to explore this topic with your students.

Download the IWF's TALK checklist to help keep children safe online.


If you think one of your students is a victim of online grooming, call 999 – and report it straightaway.  

How do I safely talk to my students about the risks of image-sharing?

Talking to your students about nudes can be nerve-wracking, let alone awkward.

But it’s important that we talk frankly with young people about the dangers of sharing images online – with people they know, and especially people they don’t.

You might find it helpful to structure your lesson around scenarios. Using scenarios avoids putting young people on the spot, and gives them a chance to talk without feeling exposed.

During discussion try to encourage conversation by asking open, non-targeted questions.

Keep an eye on this page for updated resources coming soon.

One of my students is sharing images they shouldn’t. What do I do?

If you find out about an incident of image-sharing among your students, the first thing to do is to tell your Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL). Then, make sure to follow your school protocols and government guidance to protect both the student and yourself:

If you think one of your students is in danger, call 999 – and report it straight away.  

Looking for resources


Talk about it